Friday, April 29, 2005


-Trip Guide- Vienna /ウィーン散策にて


Follow CAT sign to go down-town Vienna. You will see green colored machines for tickets. Don't forget! Austria's currency is EURO. Round-Trip ticket is 16euro/p CAT列車は往復16ユーロでウィーン中心部まで約16分。
There is a small street if you like BIO or Hippy things. Makrokosmos, Octopus, Inkal and Cafe Diglas are on the same passage. 自然食品などがお好きな方はこの小さな通りがおすすめ。
This will be the sign to find a restaurant where we had lunch. レストラン目印の看板。
In CAT. It was a comfortable train system. CAT列車の車内にて。

We left Vevey at 7:36 and arrived Geneve airport around 9:00. Stoppoed by a business lounge until our boarding time. Flew out Switzerland at 10:30 and arrived Vienna around 12:30. We took CAT to go to center of Vienna and had lunch at a traditional Austrian restaurant. We took off Vienna around 17:30 by Austrian airline. It was fully packed flight. Arrived Dubai 1:10 a.m....then when we finally got outside airport was almost 2:30. Now, here we are in Dubai.
Tarek came to the Dubai international airport to pick up us and also provided us 3 nights accomodation at his place. He studied in U.K. with Manu and lived together in Paris as well. Tarek took us back to his apartment in Sharjah where locates about 10 minutes away from the airport. It was already around 3:00 a.m. We were tried after a full-day trip...we slep too deep to be awaken by prayers at mosque, 4:00 a.m.


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