Saturday, April 30, 2005

シャルジャの窓から。From Sharjah.

Mosque Sharjah. シャルジャのモスク
A view from Tarek's APT.タレックの窓から見える景色。

I think that everyone feels strange when you are somewhere different from your daily-life. When I woke up and saw this view, I felt absolutely strange but in a nice way.... (photo by Bambina)
We heard prayers everyday from the mospue... they start praying around 4:00 a.m.

Almost everything is written in Arabic and English in Dubai. There is an IKEA in Deira City Center. ドバイのほとんど全ての表記はアラビア語と英語。デイラシティーセンターに隣接するIKEA(日本には2006年、関東にオープン予定)の看板もご覧のとおり。

Tarek came home at noon to give us a ride. Dubai... You have to have a car to go around or take taxi. There is a public bus system but I would be crazy to be stuck in such a heavy traffic everyday. Everyday in the morning, at noon and evening... all 5-6 car laines are filled up cars cars cars....
Anyway, today is Saturday but our friend, Tarek, is working. He will work tomorrow as well. Why? Because Islamic countrys' holiday is FRIDAY! got it?


Friday, April 29, 2005


-Trip Guide- Vienna /ウィーン散策にて


Follow CAT sign to go down-town Vienna. You will see green colored machines for tickets. Don't forget! Austria's currency is EURO. Round-Trip ticket is 16euro/p CAT列車は往復16ユーロでウィーン中心部まで約16分。
There is a small street if you like BIO or Hippy things. Makrokosmos, Octopus, Inkal and Cafe Diglas are on the same passage. 自然食品などがお好きな方はこの小さな通りがおすすめ。
This will be the sign to find a restaurant where we had lunch. レストラン目印の看板。
In CAT. It was a comfortable train system. CAT列車の車内にて。

We left Vevey at 7:36 and arrived Geneve airport around 9:00. Stoppoed by a business lounge until our boarding time. Flew out Switzerland at 10:30 and arrived Vienna around 12:30. We took CAT to go to center of Vienna and had lunch at a traditional Austrian restaurant. We took off Vienna around 17:30 by Austrian airline. It was fully packed flight. Arrived Dubai 1:10 a.m....then when we finally got outside airport was almost 2:30. Now, here we are in Dubai.
Tarek came to the Dubai international airport to pick up us and also provided us 3 nights accomodation at his place. He studied in U.K. with Manu and lived together in Paris as well. Tarek took us back to his apartment in Sharjah where locates about 10 minutes away from the airport. It was already around 3:00 a.m. We were tried after a full-day trip...we slep too deep to be awaken by prayers at mosque, 4:00 a.m.


Thursday, April 28, 2005

A view of Vevey. 景色。

It was around 8:30 in the morning. From St. Martin Funeral Church toward Montreux, Avian(France).

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

スイスの政治? A politics in Switzerland?


Wow, Bambina was shocked when she saw the Ad. in a main street of Vevey. It sais ; We don't want SCHENGEN!
Basically, The Schengen Treaty let you enter the schengen countries without visa up to 90days if you are just a tourist. For us, Italian and Japanese are already allowed to stay in Switzerland up to 90days without tourist-visa, but such as people from China need to have a tourist visa to travel.
Well, someone already paint some complains on it! I guess it may be opponent of UDC... Anyway, for us , this political Ad. is very shocking and has a big impact...
 なんの広告かって?これは『ぽりてぃくす」の広告。そう、日本の若者が苦手な政治!です。これは『Non, Schengen! シュンゲン協定はいらない!」っていう右派のUDCの政治広告です。「シュンゲン」って聞いたことあるかしら?簡単に言うと、観光目的の短期滞在の人はわざわざ観光ビザを取らなくていいですよ〜という決まりです。(基本的に日本国籍はスイス、EU諸国への観光目的での入国は90日以内までビザ取得免除なので、気にしていない人も多いかもしれないですが…)
補足:今回は協定加盟反対派の広告ですが、話によると賛成派の「Oui! Schengen!」というのが存在するらしいです。 発見したらお知らせします!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

週末ミラネーゼ。Weekend in Milan.

Metro station in Milano.
MUJI in Milano. 無印良品、ミラノ・ブエノスアイレス通りPICT0108
We went back to Milan Friday evening and stayed until Sunday evening. We usually take trains to go back to Italy from Switzerland. It takes 3-4 hours, it depends on which train you take. Normally, train tickets are expensive in Switzerland as well as Japan. But if you live in Switzerland and have Demi-Tarif, the trip to Italy is a very good deal. Make a resevation min. 3days before the weekend, stay in Italy at least one night over weekend, then show your Demi-tarif at the travel office in the gare. It costs us 57CHF, plus 10-15CHF for handling fees.
On Saturday, we headed to police office to see if Bambina's residency permission was ready or not. We saw a long line in front of the entrance and we saw a sign which said " ready for the permission people who applied before 15th Novemver 2004". She applied the end Dec, so it will probably take 2more months for her to get it... How come the Italian Public services are so behind? They are so slow but they behave like they are the KINGs. Well, we really hate taking about it.
After the legal issue, we headed to MUJI shop. MUJI MILANO : CORSO BUENOS AIRES 36
We bought Wok set; Wok with wooden utensiles and bamboo chopsticks -15 Euros.
Then visited an artist in Sesto San Giovanni. The artist is a friend of our family and he made our wedding rings. This time, we recieved the beautiful wedding rings and also ordered another ring for Bambina.
Weather was not good over the weekend, so we just went home eventually and invited friends for dinner. Next time to go back to Milan will be the end of May.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

がーるずないと2。Girls Night2.

Girls night @Mañana.(It means TOMORROW.) Girls had another party in Lausanne. The Mexican food restaurant provides you good food and good music.


ローザンヌにあるメキシカンレストラン"Mañana"(明日という意味)で、がーるずないと ぱーと2 がありました。と言っても前回のような過激なものではございません。ブリティッシュのヘレンの誕生会を兼ねたものだったんです。このメキシカンレストランでは代表的なメキシカン料理、タコス・ブリトー・ケサディアをはじめ、ファジータも味わえます。また、音楽はギターの生演奏もあります。地下にはバーがあり、ラテンな気分を味わいたい方におすすめです。
Address: Place Pépinet 1, Lausanne
Tel : 021 323 57 52

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


PICT0080 @Ravann, Mrs. Ravann Mey (from Cambodia)
"Ravann" is the shop for TEA-LOVERs. Also, if you are looking for something Japanese/Oriental cups, dishes and tea tools, this is the spot to go in Vevey.
Bambina goes there when she needs to buy presents for her friends or families. She tells the owner her budjets and the owner, Mrs. Ravann Mey, chooses just right things for Bambina's demand. There are many different kinds of TEA from Japan, China, India etc etc... You will enjoy the moment to choose! By the way, the shop also has the traditional tea from Argentina "MATE" and special cups for it.

Boutique RAVANN : Rue du Theatre 5 - 1800 Vevey
Tel: 021 922 20 14

いつも笑顔で接客してくださる Mrs. Ravann Mey に今日の予算と機会を伝えると、それに合うようにプレゼントを選んでくれます。また、このお店には日本の食器、茶器、お箸など品揃えが豊富で、"日本の文化"を伝えたい贈り物はここで購入しています。また、ここにはアルゼンチンを代表する"マテ茶"とそれを飲むための特別なカップも売っています。アルゼンチン出身のお友達、ナタリアもこれにはびっくり!
所在地: Rue du Theatre 5 - 1800 Vevey
     電 話: 021 922 20 14

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Hotel Des Trois Couronnes:


If you have a chance to visit Vevey and want to spend a high-class stay, this is a tip for your luxury time.
Hotel Des Trois Couronnes is one of the 5 stars rated hotels in Switzerland. Bambina goes to its SPA once a month for her relaxation. Well, actually the PURESSENS SPA & Massage/Treatment tickets were given to Bambina by Manu as a birthday gift...
They have a big enough swimming pool, Sauna and Hamamu. They also have an amazing view over Lake Leman.
Hotel Des Trois Couronnes: Rue d'Italie 49 Vevey, CH (Switzerland)
ヴヴェイの中心部にある、5つ星ホテル Hotel Des Trois Cournonnesの中にはPURESSENS SPA があります。Bambinaは月に一度そのスパでマッサージやエステでリラックスしています。SweetなイタリアンManu様からの誕生日プレゼントにチケットセットをいただいたのです。スパではプール、サウナ、ジャグジーハマム(ミストサウナ)があり、ゆっくり時間を過ごせます。またホテルからの眺めるレマン湖の景色はとても美しいですよ。
 あ、余談ですがスイスのホテルについている星… 表示されてる星から1つ取った方が無難かも…っていう人もいます。

Monday, April 18, 2005

How do you eat? パンの穴。



 How do you eat your bread? Do you take out its outshell? You don't care whatever it is?
Here is an example how Manu eats a piece of bread. He eats inside first, the SOFT part... and Bambina cleans up rest of the bread.
 Italians( at least our family in Italy ) always enjoy the last part of SOUP or SAUCE with breads.
"PUCCIARE" is the verb in Italian, yeah, if you want to enjoy meals like Italians, do it!
 イタリアでは(少なくともうちのイタリアンファミリーは)スープもパスタのソースも最後にパンできれいにすくって、まるでお皿を洗ったかのようにきれいに食べちゃいます。イタリア語で”プッチャーレ”、もしプッチャーレしたいときは”ボッリョ プッチャーレ!”

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Isn't it April? えっ、4月って春よね!?


april snow


Whaaaaaattttt!!!!???? When we woke up in this morning, we both screamed!
What is this!?!? We stood in front of a big window for a while, without saying anything.
It was all white outside.... it must have been snowing all night along... and still it is snowing. It is 17th April... something is wrong!!! We were in the middle of happy spring... then now, we were back in winter.
 Even our Swiss neighbors were surprised by this weather. Only kids were happy to play with snow...
However, this heavy Spring snow caused a lot of damages in the ville, Vevey. Tress were broken because their green leaves carried much snow on themselves, and could not stand up to the weight. Now, we know the logic why trees have no leaves during a winter. Cute Tulips are all under snow....



”ぎゃ〜!何これ〜!!!???” BambinaとManuの日曜の朝は悲鳴で始まりました。

Thursday, April 14, 2005

がーるずないと。Girls Night!

 Well, while boys were eating Pasta at home, Girls were having so much fun!!! About 28 girls gathered at a house and chatted, ate and drunk. Sounds pretty normal party, doesn't it? BUT... later the night, a special guest showed up in front of girls! He looked a fire-fighter, but 10minutes later, he was almost almost naked! Yes, we had a stripper guest!
In case if anyone needs to avoid seeing pics of naked man, I would choose harmless pics for ya!
Anyway, the party was very fun and Bambina really enjoy talking to all these career women from all over the world!
Thanks alot for organizing the party, girls!

girls night2

girls night3

旦那様が男同士でパスタを食べているころ、Bambinaは”がーるず ないと”におでかけ。28人のがーるず がお友達の家に大集合。
食べて、飲んで、おしゃべりして…。ごく普通の "がーるず ほーむ ぱーてぃ" が、午後10時をまわったころに、一変!マッチョな消防士(の格好)をしたManが出現!10分後にはたくましい肉体が目の前に!がーるず達はみんな”キャー”と叫びっぱなし…。そう、”がーるず ないと”用に友達がストリッパーの男性を準備していたのです。
 企画してくれた がーるず に Merci!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Bee. はち


Look at this HUGE Bee! Brave enough, Bambina! She wanted to scream so bad, but she run and got a camera to take a photo of this bee. It was about 5cm size. Well, it is Spring, so we just have to let Bees come around, BUT no attacks on us!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

コーヒー飲むなら。Manual or Automatic?

These are the tools to make our breakfast CAPPUCINO. 今日は我が家のカプチーノ作成方法についてお話します。

Our lovely MOKA
How do you use? どうやって使うかって?
1. Put water in a cup. ( Photo-The Left ) お水を写真左のカップに入れる。
2. Put Caffe ( you need to grind for expresso) in a cup. ( Photo- The Center ) エスプレッソ用コーヒーを真ん中の容器に入れる。
3. Put them together. 全ての容器を合体させる。左のカップの中に真ん中の容器が入って、その上に右のカップがのっかる。
4. Put MOKA on the oven and heat up. Wait until you hear the steaming sound. MOKAを火にかけ、「シュー」っと沸いたら火から下ろす
5. Put cafe in a your favorite cup. お好きなカップに注いでね。
How do we use this? これの使い方?
1. Put milk into the silver cup. 牛乳を容器に入れる。
2. Heat up the milk without the lid. Be careful! do not warm up too much! 熱くなりすぎない程度に火にかける。フタははずしたまま。
3. Take out it from the oven then put the lid in. 火から下ろして、あみ目のついたふたをセットする。
4. Move the black bar, up and down! 黒いバーの部分を上下に動かしてミルクフォームを作る。

Finally, put your milk form on top of the cafe! 最後に、エスプレッソを入れたカップに加える。

We take Cappucino every morning with us and enjoy walking to school/work. 私たちは毎朝、カプチーノを携帯カップに入れて、飲みながらお仕事と学校へ行きます。
If you are looking for tools for cappucino, click here and it will jump to Link: Cappucino
同じようなカプチーノ用の道具をで見つけました。クリックしたらカプチーノ関連商品にジャンプするようにセットしています。Link: カプチーノ関連商品

BUT, we bought a Nespresso Machine! ところが、ついにネスプレッソマシーンを購入したのです!


もし、ネスプレッソマシーンにも興味があるなら、ホームページ あるいは、 のネスプレッソ関連のページでもご覧頂けます。

Sunday, April 10, 2005


We run to the museum "Alimentarium" to eat SUKIYAKI!!! Why you go to the museum to eat SUKIYAKI?
They serve Japanese Menu "SUKIYAKI" until 1st May. They also have a cooking lesson; they teach you how to make SUSHI at this moment!
You learn about FOOD and about your BODY in various ways! Here is a photo how you can burn your FAT!
They also have a "Water exhibition" now, you can taste different types of water!



Saturday, April 09, 2005

雨にも負けず。Rain? so what?



Our niece, Ali, arrived in Vevey from Lyon, France at 14:00. It was cold, raining hard and windy... It was a very depressing day and wasn't a perfect day to introduce Vevey to our niece. Manu had to go to work, so Bambina accompanied Ali. Bambina and Ali visited the CAMERA MUSEUM in Vevey. They studied the History of Camera, from the invention of Camera to the latest technologies. If you like cameras and photos, you better visit this place. Well, I bet Bambina's father will love this place for sure.
Later, Manu & Marcin joined Bambina & Ali to have pizzas before going to a house-warming party. Then we headed to Lausanne to join the party! Bambina cooked Dorma (arabic apetizer) for the party and it became a good plate to fill some hungry people. It was a quite big party... absolutely, more than 30 people were there. It was nice cultual mix night as well. Let's see, where they are from in the picture...PICT0025from Colombia, Mexico, Italy, Germany, Japan... There were more people out side of the pic, India, Norway, Polish, Etas-Unis, England, France, Swiss...etc. We did not get a chance to talk to all of them, but it was very nice night. We are already looking forward to having another good party, soon!

 By the way, a Mexican lady asked Bambina about the movie "Lost in Translation". The lady wanted to know if everything was true or not. We would say, many of parts were true and we felt the same when we were how those 2 characters felt in Japan.

 夜はビザを食べた後、ローザンヌでお友達のHOUSE-WARMING PARTY(新しいお家に引っ越したら、パーティーをします。)に参加。Bambinaはパーティー用にお手製アラブ料理の前菜「ドルマ」を持参。かなり好評でよかったよかった。写真に写っているのはコロンビア、メキシコ、ドイツ、イタリア、日本の仲間。他にもインド、ポーランド、アメリカ、イギリス、フランス、スイス(イタリア語圏)などの多国籍。公用語は英語だけど、スペイン語・フランス語・イタリア語・ドイツ語も飛び交います。姪っ子のアリス(彼女もトリリンガル)はそんな国際色豊かなパーティーでいろいろな国の人に出会って、話が出来てとても楽しんでいました。学生の世界とは違い、社会人として国際社会にいる彼らのスマートな心配りにきっと学ぶことも多かったはずです。
 話は変わりますが、映画”Lost in Translation”「ロスト イン トランスレーション」についてのコメントをメキシコ出身のコニーに聞かれました。映画の内容って本当なの?ってね。この映画は日本の文化と現在の様子を自然に描いていて、主演の二人が感じる日本の空気と同じものを私たちも感じたよって。答えました。

Friday, April 08, 2005

でんでんむしむし かたつむり。L'escargot.


L'escargot! It is a snail! We found him (or her?) on the way to get work/school. Bambina was so excited to find him, like a kid.
It was also rainy day in Vevey, and it got colder than yesterday. Actually, you could see mountains were covered with snow again. We guess that it was a good day for the snail to take a walk...? However, how could Bambina find such a small creature when we were in a hurry?
でんでん むしむし かたつむり〜なんて、歌ったのは何年ぶりでしょう…BambinaとManuelは毎朝一緒に家を出発してそれぞれ学校とお仕事へ行くのですが、今日はまた1つ楽しい朝になりました。雨の中、急いでいたBambinaの目に飛び込んで来たのは”かたつむり”。昔々、Bambinaが幼稚園児だった頃を思い出します。毎朝、Bambinaは日本のパパと一緒に幼稚園に通っていました。そんな二人が大好きだったのが梅雨時期の”かたつむり探し”でした。あれから20数年が経ち、一緒に歩く相手はイタリアンになりましたが、Bambinaは、いつも会社へ行く前に幼稚園へ送ってくれていたパパが大好きです。昨日、そんな日本のパパとママに電話をしました。

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Pour des Chiens. お犬さま。


 It is raining today and cold. So, we assume that dogs are not happy either. Dogs...yes, you will see many many dogs in this city, small one and big one... Well, since this is the perfect place for dogs' walk, there are many these green boxes in the town. These boxes are for your doggys in case of their No.2. There are black plastic bags on top of the box, so use them and throw them away into the green box.
Here is another photo,

our sister's dog, Lilly, and her DOG PASSPORT. When they visited Switzerland from Italy, Lilly had to have a vaccine shot and had to make this passport. Moreover, she had to put a microchip in her body.

Swiss Federal Veterinary Office (SFVO) (英語表記あり)を参考にしてください。

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

私のクリーニング屋さん。Mon Nettoyage

Here is the photo that Bambina took today. Do you know where it is? It is le nettoyage (if you are familiar with French, you know what it means), it is a dry-cleanig shop in Vevey.
Bambina goes to this nettoyage once a week and she enjoys going there. Why? Because the madame in the photo is always kind and gives Bambina a chance to talk in French as much as she can. The madame must be patient ....
Anyway, there are several nettoyage in Vevey, but Bambina goes this one since we moved to this town. The nettoyage locates across from the fire department, it is on Rue du Clos, in Vevey. The madame and Bambina seem always enjoy talking to each other even though Bambina's French is not good enough, yet. The madame also has an Italian husband, who came from Belgamo. Actually, Belgamo is the town where Manu grew up. The World is small, isn't it? However, the madame helps Bambina's French conversation as well as takes care our clothes. There are dry-cleaning shops in supermarkets, but if you want to enjoy local life, you better go to this nettoyage. Then you can see the smile! Merci madame!
場所ですが、VEVEY図書館の通り、Rue du Clos。消防署の斜め前です。

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

ヴヴェイはインターナショナル。Vevey is the international town!

Vevey is a small town, but it is a real small world. Bambina studies French at "Virgile". There are 7 students in her class, and all of them are from different countries: Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, Iraq, and Hungary. Moreover, the teacher is Spanish, he has been living in Switzerland for 40 years. Anyway, her French is getting better compared to January, when we moved to Switzerland.
Why does Vevey carry so many people from all over the world? You can see the answer on Kit-Kat. Yes, the famous chocolate product. Do you see a little logo of birds? If you look closer, you will see the name of VEVEY!!! Did you get it? Yes, Vevey is the town where the World-Wide food company "Nestlé" headquarter is.

Monday, April 04, 2005

ゴミも宝。Waste or Worth?


Switzerland is a clean country as well as Japan. Bambina found this COMPO-BOX at MIGROS ( you see the orange logo all over in Switzerland. It is a supermarket.) We separate paper, plastique, aluminum, garbage (food) etc... There are different kind of dustcarts at your apartment or around the corner where you live. This COMPO-BOX is for garbages. It costs a bit, but in a long term, it will be worth buying and using it for the earth!
先日、MIGROSでCOMPO-BOXを購入しました。この緑のボックスが宝の箱!?なのです。スイスでは早くから環境問題に取り組んでいて、ゴミのリサイクルがすすんでいます。生ゴミ用のゴミ箱がアパートのゴミ出し場、住宅街の角にあるのを見たときは感心しました。写真の箱には生ゴミを入れるのですが、リサイクルされるとは言え、私はできる限り無駄を出さないように努力しています。例えば、セロリの葉っぱはミキサーにかけて、ミネストローネに入れます。卵の殻はお庭の花の肥やしに…とか(この辺の知恵は日本の祖父母から学びました…)とにかく、スイスでは(日本も場所によっては生ゴミリサイクルがすすんでいる所もあります。)生ゴミも肥料としてリサイクルされるので、無駄ではないのです。あるスーパーではビール瓶をリサイクルで戻すかどうか、レジで聞かれることがあります。リサイクルで戻す場合には少しですが割引してくれます。「たかが自分一人」と思って、めちゃくちゃなゴミの出し方をする人もいますが、いつかはそれがツケとなって返ってくるんですから、「自分一人でも」環境に優しいLa Felice Vitaを送りたいものです。

Saturday, April 02, 2005

最初のブログ。La Vita.

The wind is still a little bit chilly, but it is warm enough to enjoy La Felice Vita.
We walked to Place-du-Marche´ to see what kinds of vegetables and fruits were ready for our spring life.
Since we were hungry, we stopped by a Vietnamian-stand to have a noodle dish.
Late afternoon, we stopped by a lake-side bar. We had a few drinks under the blue sky.
Being a bit buzz, we came home and started cooking for dinner. Brazilian BEEF!!! Buono Buono!
Manuel made a Balsamico sauce. It went very good with the beef. Ah, also strawberries from the market
became our dessert with balsamico vinegar, sugar and lemon. If you want to try it, enjoy it with Vanilla ice cream!
Now, we are relaxing with chill out music.
We are wondering how our Felice Vita will be tomorrow....

Today's wine: from Sardegna, Italy.- Le Sabbie   


ワインの銘柄- Le Sabbie -
明日は、どんなLa Felice Vitaになるのかな…