Monday, May 02, 2005

ドバイの今。Dubai NOW.

Construction ( From Sharjah to Dubai)建設ラッシュ(シャルジャからドバイへ行く途中)

Dubai is a growing city. Many people know about the island "Palm". They are still constructing and building more buildings. Not only the Palm, they are also making 2 more artificail islands and constructing the entire down-town Dubai. You will see their urban planning is going crazy and way above our imagination. Some of you may be disappointed by seeing all these too much construction everywehere...but imagine if you come back here 5years will be amazing city.
We also noticed that all workers in Dubai are from south-east Asia, India, Pakistan etc... we hardly see native UAE women working in shops, hotels, restaurants. Yes, this is a big labor market for there people from Asian counties. However, they are well-trained in many ways and they speak good English. We even saw men who are absolutely from UAE and asking questions in English to buy a phone in a shop. Dubai is really an exception, really. We saw many western women who wore short skirts or no-sleeve shirts which are banned in Islamic countries. At the same time, you see women who covered up themselves by black clothes, even eyes... Dubai is growing toward WEST.

こうした労働者はかなりレベルの高いサービス業の訓練を受けていると思われます。英語も堪能ですし、レストランでの心遣いなど、スイスのサービス業従事者に見習って頂きたいものです…。 さて、イスラム圏では女性の服装は厳しいことで知られていますが、ここドバイは例外中の例外。観光立国を目指しているので、服装は普通のどこにでもある国と同じ。ただし、個人的に現地の習慣を考えると西洋人の女性に多く見られる、タンクトップにミニスカートで歩く姿はあまり賛成できませんが…。

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